On JW.org you will find a feature for teenagers called
'whiteboard animations' one deals with BULLYING and how SHUNNING a person is BULLYING...
sadly these monsters have no mirrors
in todays victorian newspaper was an article short and breif ,about the effects of shunning on a person.. 1.giving someone the cold shoulder can make you feel decidedly sorry for yourself.
researchers beleive we feel guilt and suffer from losing a social connection when we ostracise a freind.. 2.tests showed that being shunned,even by a faceless stranger,was upsetting.. 3.but complying with the researchers instructions to ignore another person was equally disheartening.. i sent a letter to the editor outlining a religous org.whose official policy is to shun members of their own family if they have been previously baptised and left the faith ,labelling them apostates ,and the heartache,trauma,breakup of familys this has caused for decades .
( this is the gist of what i said not word for word ) it will be interesting to see if they publish my letter.. any comments would be appreciated especially if you have seen this article.
hi alll!
well, i'm good!.
i haven't been to the hall in like 5 months.
warning bells are flashing...
personally you need a relationship for your future that will take you away from the JWs. This guy is one step closer sorry.
And marriage? slow down girl!
what do you believe happens when one of jehovah's witnesses dies?
do they go to hell?.
if you do not respond, does it mean that you are only looking to discredit and bash the jw's?.
What do you believe happens when one of Jehovah's Witnesses dies? Do they go to hell?
What do you think? If you do not respond, does it mean that you are only looking to discredit and bash the JW's?
really, you have no idea what ex jehovah's witnesses think or believe do you? daft questions full of assumptions and baiting.You assume we have all gone to babylon the great? we all believe in hell now? You accuse us of being nothing but bashers if we dont reply to your ill informed and hit and run posting?
Go away and do some research.
sorry it's gonna be long winded.
i've done my best to reconstruct from memory.
my husband was next to me the whole time.
What is your husbands position? will he support you as an 'apostate'?
Unless you go internet silent, they will 'get you'...I'm sure you know that...
not saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
oh god. they do 'worldly' soooooooo bad.
I hope the poor sister who had to model for that picture was suitably embaressed as well. Lame as.
i ask this because the wt always bangs on about if you trust in jehovah and make that leap into pioneering, you will always be provided for.
at the time i joined the cult, a friend was continuous aux.
To be honest, they were the best times I had as a JW. I was no longer just floating on the edge but actually doing something. It was a monumental waste of my life granted, but at the time it was alright.
We were dirt poor. The wife and I sold our house and quit our jobs. WE had not owned the house long but we did make about 10 grand on it so we bought a cheap economical 4 cyl car ( I was alsways into large V8s), bought a little hi-fi and a microwave oven. We went and got part time jobs doing all sorts of disgusting jobs in abbotiors (meat works) and pioneered for 3 or 4 years. We needed little money, we had no debts, no store cards, no mortgage etc.
When we sold the house we were promised a liitle home outside town that just had to be fixed up...in the end it just never happened and the owner, full of remorse said 'look, all i can offer you is the flat out the back of my shop'. It was a joinery. We said 'we'll take it' and he said 'no, you don't want that place, we replied 'YES WE DO'.
It was the most disgusting shit hole i had ever seen. It was full of shit. Literally. previous tenants had done a runner, left things like a bath full of turds and crap, the draws in the kithen cupboards were full of dirt from growing dope.
We did a deal that we would fix it up in leu of rent. There was a congregation busy bee on the place, new carpet, painted, bathroom fixed etc. It was humble and cheap. One day we got a knock on the door as we were about to go witnessing. 3 men in suits showed us a card, told us they had right of entry and did so. They were from the rental tribunal. The local happy clapper pentecostals next door put in a complaint and the landlord was called in. Seemed it was illegal to do work for rent and both he and us were threatened with fines. It was only that both parties were very pleased with the arrangement that they let us off. They deemed that the property was only worth $5 a week until THEY came back, reinspected and issued approval for a rent rise. We had been paying $20. It took them 3 months to come back, so we got 3 months of peppercorn rent. Yes indeed we did figure it was Jehovah blessing us.
We never did go hungry, we were looked after. Our small conregation was proud to have pioneers and looked after us. Honestly I can't fault those times.
what happened after we came off the list and I had to get a real job and provide for a family etc...well that was when the wheels really fell off. THEN i went hungry, at times, trying to support myself and pay my child supprt to the now ex wife, i could only afford to eat 5 days out of seven.
hi everyone, there is a rumor on a french speaking forum saying that the elders were to assist to a 9 h meeting,yesterday or today depending on availability, about pedophilia exclusively.
meeting directed by an circuit overseer.
more infos to come.
I have no doubt the WT will drop the whole two witness rule soon.
It simply is going to kill them if they dont get hard on molesters. I dont think they are stupid, and they will throw brothers under the bus right, left and centre to save the $ociety at large. They are not going to keep liabilities much longer.
can anybody here from australia fill me in on this guy?
i did the search thing and the only thing i could find seemed to imply that he had been shipped off here to poland to avoid problems there.
i talked to him at a ca in warsaw and he seemed kind of 'off'... it also seemed to me that he had lots of 'handlers'.
ah names from the past...
i had met some of them while visting rellies in bethel, didnt get to be around them long enough to form opinions though. I do remember how those guys were looked up to as some sort of royalty. You know, ''i shook hands with brother king!" sort of thing.
Vincent Toole was well liked and we rank and file were oh so pround to learn how he was being sent to law school so he could do battle with satans world on our behalf. what a crock that turned out to be.
Its a shame Terry Obrien was made branch servant, It means he knows a whole lot of dirty deeds done dirt cheap and turns his head. He took my pioneer school and I really liked him.
We had larry and Cathy roberts as Co for a while, cathy was nice enough but didnt like witnessing much as i recall. I think she was stuck following Larry as he tried to be a wheel right out of Bethel. I heard jokes about larry while i was visiting bethel once...''we call larry hubcap...he thinks he's a wheel but he's just a hubcap" He was nice enough, very young and i think the circuit just liked him after a series of cranky old farts doing the rounds. besides, all the lads liked his V8 fairlane...it was pretty nice, he would get extractors and a twin system on it and a set of low key mags as i recall.
wasn't there a MAZDAY and a MADZAY there at the sime time too?
we've missed some meetings due to work and thinking it's bs and also one night my husband got drunk n fessed up n had a shepherding call n now the e is coming to see 'how we're doing'.
help me please i dunno what to do..
of course they were not concerned about your husband sinning by getting drunk, there is an apostate to get...
much bigger fish
whenever i went to my judicial committee (over 3 years ago), the elders opened with a prayer for jehbooboo's guidance.
then they followed up with their loyalty question, "do you believe in the faithful and discreet slave?".
of course i answered "no", and shortly thereafter i handed over my disassociation letter.
Mine was for adultery, diliberate and planned, it was a full 2 years after leaving the wife and religion. I knew i was never going back to either and that was why i did it.
The JC was with 3 elders, one a sort of mentor, one a pretty good friend that i had worked for and the other i cant remember...must have been the token 3rd guy. There was the prayer of course and a couple of scriptures about hurting god and repentance, which is when it went south for them.
I just said I'm not sorry, I dont feel i have hurt 'jehovah', in fact he couldn't care less about me. I prayed, i creid, i studied i explained...nothing. he does not care. I do not want to be a christian anymore.
Obviously there were no loyalty questions. Their biggest problem was that they didnt want to DF me and kept asking ME what THEY should do! I just said DF, i would.
and that was that. I left, drove home saying 'oh. well, thats that, god will kill me at armageddon...and i'll give him the finger while he does"
I did remain an apologist for another 10 years though...